L'Oréal creates a new leader position in Canada: Manager of Sustainability and Human rights

Maya Colombani has been choosen to hold this new role in L'Oréal Canada

27 of July of 2022
Diseño sin título (5)
Diseño sin título (5)

L'Oréal Canada has announced the creation of a new place in his wallet of directors that has like main mission develop a model of business more sustainable and responsible. After 20 years in the group L'Oréal, Maya Colombani has been chosen to exert this new role of leadership that pretends to accelerate the sustainable transformation of the chain of value. The president and executive director, An Verhulst-Saint, declared that the creation of this strategic role shows a clear intention engage to social and environmental level: "we want to act in favour of the responsible beauty and advance faster to our mission to create the beauty that moves to the world."

Colombani, during his 20 years of path, has assumed numerous places of responsibility in L'Oréal; the last, in L'Oréal Brazil, where has exerted like Directora of Sustainability and Human rights, the same that will occupy from now in Canada. During his exert, concerned for transforming and take care the chain of value of L'Oréal Brazil, taking into account the impact of the processes of production, the sustainability and the process of recycling. Another of the strategies stood out that implemented during his mandate in Brazil, went the program of regeneration of the Amazonia, in addition to the plan in matter of human resources that bet by some worthy wages for the workers and that positioned to L'Oréal Brazil like international referent.

The aim of Colombani in L'Oréal Canada centres in three areas: nature, people (human resources) and transformation of business. One of the aims will be to increase the positive footprint so much internally, like externally in terms of sustainable transformation. By part of the company, has left clear that one of his main aims will be to achieve the total neutrality of the carbon by part of the company in all his locations and achieve a clean technology.

With this gesture and this new role, L'Oréal puts in the focus of his strategies the sustainability like fundamental axis in the transformation of business, without shelving the human rights of his workers. This last, is a matter that the CEO's of the companies are beginning to annotate in his diaries and to reinforce in his organisations with the end to protect to his workers.