The most succesfull native digital make up brands

These 5 brandsbeing less than a decade old but a very promising future in the make-up

13 of March of 2023
Make Up digital native brands
Make Up digital native brands

The next 31 March close the candidatures of 'Digital Beauty Awards'. This ceremony organised by the Beauty Cluster reward in their different categories (this third edition expanded to 22) to the best national initiatives in cosmetic, beauty, perfumery, innovation and e-commerce. Edition after edition, purchases more importance, leadership and renown inside the sector and is an opportunity to promote recent projects and obtain a recognition to the work, effort and dedication of big agents of the industry.

The past week, 'Next in Beauty' recognised the big work of any of the companies and digital native brands in the hair industry. This time, this same work extrapolates to the world of the 'make up'. To the equal that in the case of the haircare, could suppose that the irruption of digital native marks in the sector of the make-up is a relatively recent tendency that has revolutionised the industry of the traditional beauty.

These marks are used to arise 'on-line', usually in it  starts like a 'DYC', but that they can evolve to an e-commerce and include and adhere in big channels of east. Some sell his products in physical shops since the consumers begin to demand them to the main retailers.

Generally, they prioritise the sustainability, the transparency, the inclusion and the asequibilidad, what attracts to young consumers and socially conscious that value the ethical and environmental practices. These marks are used to to be personal initiatives and in occasions know celebrities, influencers or public personalities that have decided to give the jump to the world of the 'make-up' beginning by a line for a determinate mark, and that finally, after the success, have decided to create his own mark (see the case of Kylie Jenner or Selena Gómez).

In the day of today, will know some marks to know how has been his consolidation and birth. Some of them, already explain until with his own physical shop.

  • Saigu: This mark of honest and natural cosmetic was founded by two born friends on the island of Menorca. 'Saigu' In Majorcan means 'Water'. David Hart and Gerard Prats decided that it was the moment to give him a turn to the concept that understood by cosmetic and take a course to the value of the natural. This course comes directed mainly by the respect to the environment, the sustainability and the transparency in the communication. Another of the appearances that characterizes to this mark is that any of his products has less than 99% of pertinent products of the nature. Definitely, the most notable of 'Saigu Cosmetics' is that they are they those that formulate his own products: "we control exactly which ingredients put, how of sustainable are the practices of each provider, so much of prime matter for the product as for the containers and the packaging, and ensure us that we can go in and go out of the laboratory so many times as it was necessary until our products can compete with the best of the market. It is a practice that does not be used to do because it is costlier that simply ask the product to an external laboratory, but is one of the signals of identity of Saigu and are very proud of her" explained does some years Gerard in an interview made to 'Hapers Baazars'. Gerard and David are in luck, since to finals of the month of February inaugurated his first physical point of sale in the city of Barcelona, in which they have or laboratory to do gala of his transparency and the consumers can observe how elaborate the products of the signature.
  • Lylak Beauty: co-Created by Leticia Sánchez, or more known like @mycrazymakeup, this creator of content 'beauty' also has given the jump to make his own mark of make-up. This launching saw supported and backed also by 'Krash Brands', an incubator and accelerator of marks devoted to the world of the make-up especially. 'Lylak Beauty' Is vegan, cruelty free and is born under the premise that in the focus of the make-up find you you, your self-esteem and your self-esteem. This so young mark (went out does scarce two weeks) already has achieved some really amazing numbers: 8 of the 16 references of Lylak Beauty exhausted in the first hours, in Primor, where already sells the mark, finish the products, and besides, had more than 13.000 followers in the profile of Instagram before his launching.
  • 3INA: it Is another of the companies that 'Next in Beauty' stands out in this piece of today. Another 'Made in Spain', with headquarters in Madrid and that gives off a cool image, young, fun and free. With his claims of 'INCLUSIVITY', 'YOUR MAKEUP, YOUR NORMS!' And 'BEAUTY BY NUMBERS' 3INA looks for to break barriers and fill all, independently of any shot, gender or another characteristic. His products are manufactured in Europe and are vegan and cruelty free, something that already characterises to the digital native marks. Created in the year 2016 by Mark Eve and Pablo Rivera, so alone 24 months afterwards the Spanish mark has conquered 14 countries and had incorporated in the portfolio of marks of big retailers like Selfridges, Asos or El Corte Inglés and distributes to international level. In how much to physical points of sale, has his own shop in Santiago of Chile, United Kingdom, France and other a lot of points.
  • Krash Cosmetics: It presents like the first Spanish mark in 'demolish' the gender of his products. It accompanies them also the 'cruelty-free', be a mark LGTBIQ+ friendly and creates exclusive charitable products for the support of the social causes headed by the 'Foundation Eddy'. It presents an image disruptive, brave, diverse, free and cool, and like this move it also in his products and his packaging. They champion the make-up like a form to express and his 'Krash Rules' is that it is a mark 'genderneutral', 'cruelty-free', 'vegan' and 'for everyone'. Been born in 2018 and founded by the youtuber Álvaro Kruse, we include this brand that celebrates the diversity in all his splendour and has achieved to finish with the vision that the make-up is alone for a gender.
  • Double S: 'Cosmetic transparent, near, responsible and created by and for you'. It is the main message that issues to the users that go in to his website, by what leaves, quite clear his image. It treats of the first mark collaborative Spaniard of make-up and cosmetic, where the own users can participate in the process of creation of the products of Double S. This brand do emphasize in that one of the principles between which consolidate the bases of the brand is the scientific evidence. This mark of Barcelona manufactures all his products in the European Union, and has been founded by Anna and Sergi, , a team of experts in chemical engineering, technical marketing, cosmetic formulation and business direction. If more no, with the same name of his mark, want to stand out the values that want to transmit: 'Sincerity and Sensatez'. They explain already with 4 points of sale in the city of Barcelona.
  • Etnia Cosmetics: This mark was born in the year 2012 in Valency with the aim to approach the make-up and the cosmetic to all the world. It pursues the clear purpose to help to the people to feel better achieve same and under the lemma "The attitude is beautiful". It is as well as it presents 'Etnia' that explains already with more than 10 years of life and has more than 54 points of sale between his shops in Spain, Ecuador and Mexico (in these two countries of Latam, there is 10 in total). 'Etnia' Decided to frame in highlighting the natural beauty and Manuel of Juan is the employer that undertook this adventure in 2012, and that a decade afterwards, continues triumphing.