mesoestetic® Presents the new Genesis, a team multitecnología for boundless solutions

It combines high power, versatility and efficiency to reach the maximum results

13 of December of 2023

In his commitment by the continuous innovation, mesoestetic® presents the new Genesis®, the team multitecnología of the signature. A version optimised and renewed to satisfy the current needs of the professionals of the sector of the aesthetics.

The new Genesis® combines high power, versatility and efficiency in a team designed to reach the maxima resulted in the main aesthetic indications (aging, sensitivity and corporal remodeling). His technology is backed by a solid clinical evidence with results showed, durable and visible from the first session.

Genesis® turns into an essential tool in the centre of aesthetics when being combinable with multiple aesthetic treatments, increasing of exponential form his efficiency (with the technology of Genesis® increasesthe stimulation to increase the results of the treatment in question).

This team multitecnología combines sinérgicamente 4 technologies to reach the maximum results: radiofrecuencia capacitiva with LED, radiofrecuencia capacitiva, radiofrecuencia resistiva and electroforoporación.

Smart radiofrequencyTM: Stimulation

Application of electromagnetic waves on the skin through a manípulo that causes the movement of molecules of water in the cutaneous fabric generating an increase controlled of the temperature in the skin.

It merges 3 technologies:

  • Radiofrecuencia capacitiva With LED, that has an effect reparador, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant.
  • Radiofrecuencia capacitiva, with an effect hidratante, reafirmante and tensor.
  • Radiofrecuencia resistiva, that contributes an action reductora, reestructurante and drenante.

Smart transcutaneous driveTM: Contribution

Technology that allows the increase of the cutaneous permeability favouring the penetration of active principles in deep layers of the skin by means of the combination of the electroforesis and electroporación.

After the phase of stimulation (when we produce an effect in the skin), that achieve with the radiofrecuencia and the electroforoporación, happen to the phase of contribution. That is to say, vehiculizamos active principles to the skin. Genesis® presents these active principles in shape of boosters according to indication:

  • G1 Balancer: Hidrata, revitaliza and reaffirms. It is ideal to prepare the skin before any treatment for maximizar the results. It increases the synthesis of structural proteins.

  • G2 Regenerance: it Repairs and it regenerates of intensive form. Indicated for the treatment of the signs of the aging.

  • G3 Smoother: With action reparadora, painkiller and antiinflamatoria. It has a system of encapsulation (niosoma) that protects the integrity of the active principles and improves his penetration. It increases his efficiency ensuring a high tolerance dérmica. Ideal for sensitive skins, sensitised and post-treatment.

  • G4 Push-Up & Lift: With action remodeladora. It reduces the volume and contributes turgencia and elasticity to the skin. It diminishes the adipogénesis and increases the lipólisis. Indicated for celulitis in all the degrees, fat located and flacidez cutaneous.

  • G+ Plus: Gel conductive neutral that allows the vehiculización of the active principles of the ranges of application transepidérmica And It complements and it improves the action of all the boosters (G1, G2, G3 and G4). Wide the number of indications to treat allowing the complete personalización of the treatment.