X-ray of a generation: the young talent

Academic Director in Beauty Cluster
04 of July of 2022
DiseñOr without yoútulo
DiseñOr without yoútulo

Thinking in changing of work? You know to somebody that have said you that it feelsunsatisfied where works? You are you replanteando the form in which attract and retain the young talent?

If you have treated to answer to some of these questions will know that the research and the retention of the talent in our organisations is a subject of urgent boarding. Further of the classical dynamics of the labour market of offer and demand, are speaking of something subtler and intangible that has to see with people.

The new professional of our sector do not escape to a reality to which still are us doing to the idea while we treat of lidiar with the fault of supplies, the battle by the quota of market, the fault of predecidibilidad of the consumer, the challenges of the on-line, among others. Our own mindset and the collective consciousness is suffering changes, and the scales of priorities are, somehow, altering what believed immovable. Then, how we do to incorporate to our teams no to the best, but to the professional youngsters more suitable?

In the present article would like us deepen in what it would be the attraction of the young talent. What Is happening them to those people that this year will fulfil 22 years and are giving his first steps in our sector? They are the called Generation Z, the iGeneration or the Homelanders, with ages comprised between the 19 and the 25 years.

It would like us split of the report of 2022 "People at Work: A vision on the global human team" elaborated from the survey made to world-wide level by ADP Research Institute®. Some of the conclusions to which arrives east informs is that the 71 % of the workers thought in changing of professional career the past year and that the 76 % would poseleave his current employment if it knew that they exist inequalities in the wage by question of gender, or that the company does not have a politics of diversity and inclusion.

In this line, the Forum of Human Resources published the past 13 June 2022 the articulate "Three common errors that the Spanish companies commit to retain the talent" according to which more than 6 of each 10 (65%) hard-working Spaniards with ages comprised between the 18 and the 24 years recognises to suffer stress in his place of employment.

All this, added to the fact that more than half of these youngsters (52%) self-evident feel uncertainty on his labour future, allows us affirm the need that the companies loan attention to appearances like the management of the talent and the creation of programs of growth.

To international level, TalentLMS beside BambooHR drove the investigation "Gene Z in the Workplace: What matters to young professionals at work — and what turns them off", to more than a thousand of American youngsters between the 19 and the 25 years employed in diverse sectors that carried a minimum of 6 months working. It resulted that 91% were experiencing at least one of the own symptoms of the stress resulted of the absence of support by part of the empleador. In fact, the burnout and the absence of a balance between the personal life-labour would be the main reasons by which would leave a work, followed of an unsatisfactory wage.

We suppose that the reasons that esgriman the North American youngsters can extrapolate to the youngsters of our country. In this sense, 77% considered important that his potential company had interest by the diversity, the equality and the inclusion, as well as that it was a place of integrated work by people solidarias, kind and with social consciousness. For them, they expected that the organisation fed and reflected the values that would do it a fantastic place in which work.

Change of work after 12 months is something that were valuing a chamber of the respondents, being two of the key factors of his decision the one who his leader or boss/to out empathic and honest, and that had some very defined expectations of his professional career.

And like last data, for 73% of the respondents, a good place in which work has to allow them express in case same of a free way, authentic and spontaneous. And it is that although they recognise that they need training in managerial skills, have very clear that if they were CEOs, would manage the leadership centring in the following appearances: give voice to all, equality of opportunities for all, healthy labour environment, suppression of the discrimination and the castes inside the organisation, respectful business practices with the environment, priorización of the mental health, suppression of the brecha salarial, creation of a place of fun and pleasant work, promotion of the flexibility and the authenticity and systems of recognition for the members of the team.

Escaping to barren discussions on if finally it will producethe big renunciation in our country, what seems indisputable is the current need to loan attention to the X-ray of a generation that comes to question the status quo and how manage at present the talent in our organisations. They are prepared our organisations to answer to these needs?

About the author

Melissa Torres Baro

Academic Director in Beauty Cluster

Graduate in right by ESADE (University Ramon Llull), has devoted big part of his career to the management of Human Resources in the sector of the hospitality and the hotelería. Moved by his passion by the training, gave teaching and was manager of the department of Professional Careers in the university surroundings of studies of tourism and hotelería. At present it is Academic Director of the Beauty Cluster and Manager of the Beauty Business School, formative mark of the Beauty Cluster. It works like impulsora of the programs of training that co-create from the Beauty Business School for and with professionals of the sector beauty, and of surroundings of networking and growth of the professionals of Human Resources of the industry of the cosmetic, the perfumery and the personal care. It is coach of health by the Institute for Integrative Nutrition NY, practicioner in PNL and coaching wingwave and has made diverse trainings in matter of autoconocimiento, personal development and leadership.
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