'Ondo Beauty' Of 'Miin' present it balsam remove make up

The brand of sensory cosmetic of 'Miin' launched this new product in the month of December

27 of December of 2023

A combination of a big majority of ingredients of natural origin and something of science, is what 'Ondo Beauty' defines like the "best balsam make up remover that have tested".

Four acids like the glycolic acid, the present acid in the cane of sugar, in the extract of yuzu and an Asian citrus that contains vitamin C. Together, achieves an exfoliation that improves the luminosity of the face.

Bet by the solid cosmetic, his format is compact, but melts when it goes in contact with the skin until turning into a soft oil. It melts the make-up, rests of solar protection and does it in scarce seconds.

From 'Ondo Beauty' ensure that this cleansing balsam does not leave rests neither the skin fat and is perfect for all type of skins, including the sensitive and fats.