Legs more rested and light with MartiDerm LegVass

26 of June of 2023
MartiDerm LegVass
MartiDerm LegVass

MartiDerm LegVass Offers a deep action from the interior and to topical level, giving an effective solution to the problem thanks to two products whose composition with bioactivos vegetal, act in sinérgia to combat the venous insufficiency of the legs, improve the micro-circulation and relieve the feeling of heaviness, even during the pregnancy, and recover the lightness and the rest.

Main ingredients

  • EXTRACT OF CHESTNUT TREE OF INDIES: Pertinent of the seeds and the leaves of this tree of Asian origin, thanks to his high content in esculina, flavon, aescina and tannins, is one of the natural substances more powerful for lidiar against the venous insufficiency, favouring the blood circulation and contributing to treat of effective way the varices; being besides effective to reduce the retention of liquids.
  • EXTRACT ASIAN SPARK: Pertinent of regions subtropicales and natural resource from the antiquity by his properties descongestionantes and reparadoras, this ingredient strengthens the venous walls and the suprarenal glands, stimulating the blood circulation of return to treat effectively the superficial spiders and relieve the effect of tired legs.
  • EXTRACT OF RED VINEYARD: Rico in flavonoids and polifenoles is a powerful antioxidant, but besides his properties antiinflamatorias and descongestionantes treat the venous insufficiency and the varices.
  • EXTRACT OF RUSCO: This natural ingredient, rich in saponinas, salts of potassium and flavonoids, is indicated for tonificar the veins and stands out besides by his effect anti-inflammatory, vasuconstrictor, antiedematoso and diurético.


LEGVASS® – EMULSION: Oil of sweet Almonds 5% + Extracts of Red Vineyard, Chestnut tree of Indies, Asian Spark 4,5% + Alantoína 1% light Emulsion that hidrata, nourishes and tonifica, indicated to relieve the heaviness of legs thanks to his taken care formulation of medicinal plants.

LEGVASS® - CAPSULES: Vitamin C + Extracts of red Vineyard, Asian Spark, Rusco, Chestnut tree of Indian + Routine Cocktail of active vegetables concentrated in dose recommended -100mg Brown of Indies, 75mg Asian Spark, 75mg red Vineyard, 50mg Rusco, 50mg Routine, 30mg Sour absórbico (Vit.C)-, that acts effectively against the swell and the retention of liquids, contributing an effect diurético and saciante. It poses like a coadyudante effective to treatments of venous insufficiency by his properties antiinflamatorias, antiedematosas, vasoconstrictoras, venotónicas and protective of the vascular wall.