Pierre Fabre collects 3.3 million skin data in one source

This project was presented at the 25th World Congress of Dermatology in Singapore

24 of July of 2023
Project ALL Pierre Fabre
Project ALL Pierre Fabre

In the 25º World-wide Congress of Dermatology, celebrated in Singapore of the 4 to 7 July 2023, the Department of Relations with the Patients of Pierre Fabre presented the "project ALL" in which it includes 3,3 million points of data related with the skin of more than 50.500 individuals. The company has recopilado information in a wide private database international.

According to the company, ALL started to finals of the year 2022 with the help of the company EMMA. The survey recopiló data on all the types of skin (ALL Skins), all the cutaneous illnesses (ALL Dermatoses) and all the fototipos (ALL Colors). Some 50.552 people of populations adults of 20 countries (that they represent more than 50% of the world-wide population) of the five continents answered to 65 questions of the project ALL. The subjects treated were related with the medical conditions, the behaviours, the roads of attention and the needs of the patients affected by one or several dermatosis, like the dermatitis atópica, the psoriasis, the acne, the rosácea and the vitíligo, between many others.

Pierre Fabre stands out that the strength of this study resides in the amplitude of the data collected and his representativeness. The respondents proceed of proportional samples to the population of each country, what allows a very reliable analysis of the to scale world-wide needs by geographic territory.

Núria Perez Cullel, Vice-president of Medical Subjects and Relations with Patients and Consumers of Pierre Fabre, commented: "Lto creation of this database, exceptional by his geographic coverage, confirms our commitment to work beside the professionals of the health of all the world to contribute to improve the quality of life of the patients that suffer illnesses of the skin. Know better his expectations will allow us orient our form to work and innovar to support them always better in his route asistencial dermatológico."