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Skin Bliss

'Skin Bliss' launches the new version of its app in March

The app, which has been downloaded more than 800,000 times, incorporates new features such as saving your favorite ingredients

28 of February of 2023
Skin Bliss app
Skin Bliss app

'Skin Bliss' launches the new version of his app after the success of his previous version with more than 800.000 downloads. It stands out for incorporating functionalities more complete that allow to the user, among others appearances, analyse of form detailed the products of cosmetic, do a follow-up of the products that are using, compare multiple options and take better decisions, and more informed, oriented to the previous process of a purchase of the cosmetic product.

'Skin Bliss' has developed a system of customised and specific recommendation for each field, designed to comprise the biology of the skin and the chemistry of the care of the same. The system of recommendation bases in the approximation and evaluation of the formulation of the products to the light of the scientific proofs, the knowledges of the experts, the chemical data and the statutory laws, as well as in the analyses detailed of the users.

In this new version, have included functionalities developed according to the requests and demands of the users, between which stand out : improvements in the system of punctuation of the products, the possibility to add qualitative reviews to the products, the option to create lists of products to improve the organisation of the routines and a comparator of products according to his positive effects in the distinct worries of the skin.

Choose which is your perfect match for the care of the skin turns into an increasingly complicated situation by the increase of the products offered and the bombardment of the social networks. We confront us to a lot of options, lists of complex ingredients and an investigation that carries long, and finally, desist. The situation worsens even more when you look for orientation in Internet. With the frantic rhythm of the tendencies in TikTok and the social networks, always gives the feeling that you go by behind what all the world recommends.

"To be able to understand no only the label of a product of cosmetic but the effect that goes to have in your skin, need to be an expert. In 2020, I began to develop an artificial intelligence that helped me to take decisions in the purchase of products of facial cosmetic" account Maria Otworowska, founder of Skin Bliss. After confronting to the acne adult, an illness that affects to more than two thousand million people all over the world, visit countless dermatologists, spend a lot of money and test a hundred of products. Maria, with a scientific background, decided to investigate to solve no only his own skin but the one of million people in the world through the access to the information detailed and simplified.

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This new version of the app will see the light the month of March and will be available for the devices Android like iOS of Apple.

Thanks to the filters, allows a more exhaustive and precise research that helps to find the product that really adapts to your needs and will be able to see the compatibility of said product with your research by means of to a percentage that bases in your preferences. When incorporating a scanner of the bar code, when going through it the scanner will be able to analyse quickly and from any place the product, know the list of ingredients and save you any like favourite. Besides, it allows to create a profile in which you can add your preferences, type of skin, age, lifestyle and other notable parameters.