The eCommerce of Esdemarca foresees to invoice 100 million euros 2026

The company will surpass in 2022 the 20 million euros in turnover with a growth of 40% with regard to the past year

04 of November of 2022
Headquarters of Esdemarca in Gava (Barcelona)
Headquarters of Esdemarca in Gava (Barcelona)

The fashionable portal multibrand Spanish founded in 2013 has explained that this year it has initiated a new strategic plan in which it takes place a process of rebranding, and that will help to consolidate an upper annual growth to 40% of his turnover during the next four years. Of this way, 'Esdemarca' foresees to attain the 100 million euros of turnover in the year 2026. In his e-commerce, has the presence of articles at first marks like Ralph Lauren, Tommy Hilfiger, Lacoste, Boss, Tous, Camper or Uneven.

In the process of rebranding, with the collaboration of the skilled agency Summa Brandingse, has renewed the logo and the corporate colours under the claim "Your partner in fashion". The project is born of the main aim of modernize and adapt the image of the eCommerce to the new trends and to achieve a greater growth of 'Esdemarca', that is to say, want that the redesign of identity and his growth, go of the hand. Inside said strategy, also takes place the incorporation of 'ESDMagazine', a space in which has fit the fashion and the last tendencies with the end to be a source of inspiration to his buyers and a place that allow to the marks communicate directly with his consumers.

With the focus put already in the next 2023, 'Esdemarca' has in mind created his platform a place in which they show novel designers Spaniards that have the opportunity to teach and make visible his collections to be able to sell them.

Spot Of Esdemarca and his Rebranding