'H&M' will sack to 1.500 employees

This step corresponds to the plan of saving that announced the company the past month of September after reporting a descent in his sales

05 of December of 2022
H&M is going to dismiss 1.500 workers of the company
H&M is going to dismiss 1.500 workers of the company

Only two months ago, in the presentation of economic results of the Swedish textile giant, in the last part of the report, the company refers to the problems and the difficulties that expirienced the company in consequence of the rise of the derivative inflation of the bellicose conflict between Russia and Ukraine, and of the increase of the prices of the energy, transport and raw materials. Fruit of these adversities, 'H&M' announced that it set up a plan of reduction of costs in which it would adapt a series of measures like the rises of prices and readjustments of staff. Two months later, the company has offered more details on this 'readjustment of staff' that consists in sacking to a total of 1.500 workers.

With this program pretend to save 2.000 million Swedish crowns, as it indicates the skilled portal in economic information, 'elecomista.es'. "The program of costs and efficiency that have initiated involves to review our organisation and are conscious of the fact that some of our mates will see affected. We will support them so that they find the best possible solution for his next step", has explained Helena Helmersson, adviser delegated of the mark, in a press release of the company.

With this program will face up to a cost that will reach the almost 74 million euros, but that will not see reflected in his accounts until the last quarter of the next 2023.

'Inditex' Does shadow to 'H&M'

The 1.500 dismissals will apply between the more than 70 markets that possesses the Swedish textile giant around the world and trust that this is the best solution for the future of the brand. In September, 'H&M' announced that its sales had fallen 4% in the third quarter and that had not attained his forecasts. In the meantime, 'Inditex' reported a profit in the same period of time, in spite of having increased his prices around 5% in his pieces.