Guillaume Motte is the new CEO and general director of 'Sephora'

After the unexpected exit in June of Martin Brok, Chris Lapuente had been chosen like CEO provisional

30 of November of 2022
Guillaume Motte is the new CEO of Sephora
Guillaume Motte is the new CEO of Sephora

The exit of Martin Brok in June, the previous CEO of 'Sephora', pertaining to the group LVMH, the retailer of cosmetic and make-up had not announced who went to be the definite successor. Brok Abandoned the company by discrepancies with the group, as it indicated in the month of June 'Fashion Network'.

5 months afterwards, the conglomerate of luxury has presented to the new CEO and General Director that will exert like such from the next month of January. The elected has been Guillaume Motte. Motte will substitute to Chris of Lapuente, that is who has been of provisional way leading the group after the course of Martin Brok.

Guillaume Motte already joined the group and works in 'Sephora' from does roughly 5 years. It accumulates experience in leadership, since it also has been CEO of 'Sephora' in the regions of Europe and Middle East. Until they have proposed him assume the general direction of the chain of beauty, occupied the place of general director attach of Fashion Group from May 2021. Besides, it has experience in 'McKinsey', like consulting, and CEO of the regions of the Middle East and also was Chief Executive Officer in 'Celio' and also has formed part of the team of 'Nike'.

Chris of Lapuente, that will leave the charge of CEO provisional in the month of January, has explained by means of a press release that is convinced of the good work that will make Motte in the company: "I Am loved with the turn of Guillaume to 'Sephora', like president and CEO. His experience in the two previous years in LVMH Fashion Group and beside Sidney Toledano have expanded his prestige, and has purchased experience in the construction of marks and deepened his already extensive commercial and commercial skills to global level. I do not have any doubt that it will continue building 'Sephora' as a retailer premium extraordinary."