The essential oil of orange is the protagonist of the new line of Montibello

This routine that pretends to approach to a similar experience to the one of a Spa is composed by a gel exfoliante and mousse hidratante

08 of March of 2023
Montibello routine

From Montibello, start the month of March trying move an experience Spa that can enjoy from house to relax and leave the skin moisturized, revitalized and soft. This corporal ritual help to improve the state of spirit and to revitalize the body and the mind.

The sensory textures of the new products of range BODY SENSES, are characteristic also by it blunt of essential oil of orange, that promise to move an environment of comfort and welfare.

The complete routine is formed by a scrubbed gel, that is an emollient biolipid of repairer effect with essential oil of orange revitalize. The second step of this routine is the moisturizing  mousse corporal that moisturize and revitalize the skin. This mousse contains hyaluronic acid, vitamin E, vitamin F and essential oil of orange, in addition to containing oil of macadamia, jojoba and squalane.