Cosmetic myths to debate (III): from toxic-free cosmetics to 'NO CHEMISTRY'

Community Manager of cosmetic companies
27 of February of 2023
Without chemistry

I don’t even remember the first time I heard/read this claim, but I confess that I am very nervous (I won’t deny it). First, because it’s a fat lie, and second, because as a chemist it breaks my soul. And, besides, you know what makes it more grim? That this is no longer just a cosmetic problem. It is a pest that affects other sectors, such as household products, food, textiles, etc.

Honestly, I am very tired of so much deception based on fear, whose sole purpose is to sell more Consequence? Quimifobia, people who fear the word "chemistry". But, anyway, if you come with me, today I’ll tell you a real cosmetic story. One in which transparency reigns, truthfulness and above all honesty (or MONestidad, as I call it).

Are you coming?

Let’s start at the beginning, what do you mean by cosmetics without chemicals? Well, I don’t know what to tell you, I don’t understand. Either I missed something, or someone didn’t understand the basics of chemistry. Come on, jokes aside! This is, for me, one of the most absurd, unrealistic and derogatory demands that circulate in these parts. For more inri, it is prohibited by regulations 1223/2009 and 655/2013! And what does not enter my brain is that, even if it is forbidden, it can be used freely and without any consequences. I really don’t get it.

Is it so complicated to get it right? Where else do they have to ban it so that it stops being used? And my favorite question how can anyone claim that their cosmetics don’t wear chemicals and just keep sleeping? I’m sorry, but I can’t take it anymore, I have to say: EVERYTHING IS CHEMICAL. So, a cosmetic without chemicals is impossible! And it is, because without it nothing we know would exist, because it is present in everything we do, touch, see and smell.

Honestly, that in the 21st century the idea that chemistry is factories that pollute and toxic substances continues to be promoted, seems to me to be very short-sighted (with forgiveness). But I go about my business... People, a plant, a tree, the mobile, a simple smell, cosmetics (natural, synthetic, vegan or any of its variations) ... EVERYTHING, I insist, EVERYTHING can be reduced to molecules, and therefore to atoms.

But let’s go a little further, because it has created a widespread idea in the consumer that cosmetics of synthetic origin is chemical and not natural. And that, in addition, being natural is safer and harmless. Mmmm, let me breathe and let it go, what happens? That in nature there are no reactions? Are there no ingredients synthesized in natural cosmetics? And is a cosmetic really safer just because it is natural?

Look, we go in pieces. When you breathe, when you digest, when you heal a wound, or even when you think or fall in love, there are reactions. When a flower does photosynthesis, a bee makes honey or a metal structure oxidizes, reactions are occurring. Or do we really not believe that surfactants grow on trees? Well, I would swear no, they grow in laboratories and factories.So, if this is not chemistry, turn off and let’s go!

And I am sorry, I consider it necessary to say: natural is not synonymous with insurance, nor of innocuous. There are very natural poisons, and yes, there are also synthetic poisons. And I insist, in both cases, they are chemical. Ah! Let me add something else. Every cosmetic is (and must be) safe. Because safety does not depend on the label it carries, but on the whole. End!

So I will say it loud and clear: everything is chemical, and cosmetics too. And whether it is natural or synthetic, traditional or bio, vegan or not... All of its ingredients, regardless of their origin, can be reduced to molecules or sets of molecules. And that, yes or yes, is chemistry.

¡Stop demonizing this word! Stop using this claim, which only creates unreal fears in consumers! The direction is clear: transparency, truthfulness and scientific arguments go ahead. So that people can finally choose freely. Without coercion and without fear.

Me, I vote for doing it right. And you?