Interview to Cristina Carvajal (@caldesnud)

We speak with Cristina Carvajal on the paper of the divulging in social networks of the sector of the cosmetic

05 of July of 2023
Cristina Carvajal
  • Who is @caldesnud and who is Cristina Carvajal?

Caldesnut Is this space in which I can give loose rein to these fans to the cosmetic, that I always say that I am a friki of the cosmetic. It is aunarlo with this, with scientific knowledge that have gone purchasing along my years of training and of professional experience. It is this space and this moment in which I can share so much the cosmetics that use and/or buy, like this knowledge that share with the people and show them what there is behind the science.

  • How a chemical engineer finish turning into a populariser of content beauty and cosmetic of reference in social networks?

Caldesnut Was born like a blog that calls 'Cosmetic To the Nude'. It was born just when I finish the career, and I had very clear that wanted to go in to work like engineer in a factory devoted to the cosmetic, or that was inside the ecosystem of the cosmetic industry. It had it very clear. But, also it had very clear that probably did not go to be so simple at the beginning. Then, fuecomo the excuse to keep me always in contact with the industry, keep me updated...
That was the main reason by which created the blog to spread on patience, and also because many times it read a lot of things with which did not agree. It is true that live in the era of the information, for the well and for the bad. It read a lot of things with which did not agree and think that at the end the fear and the desinformación fight with information. It wanted to be this place of reference to the that if somebody attend to expand his knowledges and can take they same the decision of purchase of a more formed way.

  • Which are the main concepts or ideas that try to transmit through your contents?

The aim is to explain how works so much the skin and the cosmetics, as well as the industry, so that the consumers can have all the possible information and are able to choose with freedom, knowing what buy.

  • You connect a lot with your audience and answer to his needs, Where think that is more lost the consumer and what false beliefs and myths detect when you keep the direct contact?


In general it would say that the majority are overwhelmed by the quantity of options that there is, even would use the word sobreinformación, do not know which ingredient use or like combining them, or in what %, when in the majority of the cases neither is necessary to use all the ingredients that go putting fashionable. It is well if they want to do it, of course, but the simple routines also can be very effective.Also there is a part of the population that continues having fear to determinate ingredients, something that results definitely worrisome.

  • It helped you @caldesnud to write your book 'Cosmetic Intelligence'? Explain us a bit as it developed this project that launched it, if I do not make a mistake, does some 4 years.

Yes, really 'Cosmetic Intelligence' is mainly a synthesis of the blog, with a clear purpose that it is to help to buy and a more clear-cut structure, but when they offered me the opportunity to write a book, always went with this aim, order the concepts and the doubts on which already had written in the blog and give him a sense. The truth is that I am very grateful because it has worked very well.

  • In addition to your training and that you are a passionate of the cosmetic sector, How do it to be to the last especially the what sucede in the industry beauty? What so necessary is this for a populariser of content?

When being a big enthusiast of the sector, many times find me with that the information 'comes to my' want to say, that the people so much in Instagram as in the world 1.0 is used to me share the most notable news, or new launchings, because they agree of my, when they see them, is one of my favourite parts to be popularising. Also work in the cosmetic industry, so it splits of my work involves to be updated with the novelties of the sector.

I think that for a populariser of content keep up to date and speak of the last tendencies is indispensable, if you publish on a fashionable ingredient, the algorithm gives you a lot of more visibility, because the post has better received.

  • You would know to define what is a populariser of content and which impact has in the society? It is the new 'pharmaceutical', even, a more professional figure for the new generations? Which is the paper of the populariser 'beauty'?

In any moment a scientific populariser, a populariser beauty can substitute to a chemist, since the figure of the chemist contributes a big value to the society like prescriptor, like sanitary specialist, and can not even compare. And the figure of the populariser of cosmetic, or the populariser beauty, think that mainly what contributes is, as this communication a bit more objective, that contributes this knowledge so that the consumer was the one who can take this decision of purchase of a form more freely understanding, how works the skin, understanding how works the cosmetics in your skin and also how works the industry.


What is what wants to say us the marketing and be able to take that that really interest him to each one that can be something entirely distinct and that at the end you choose to buy you a cosmetic having this knowledge, not to leaving you carry by determinate factors, of marketing, even of fear, that are not really the function of of the marketing. So I consider that if have the knowledge can do a better election of purchase, can accept better and buy also of form more conscious.


  • Which is you main public and how try to help him? I imagine that you will receive a lot of queries of daily way…

The objective public of caldesnud are consumers that interest by the composition of his cosmetics, have scientific interests and want to take out the best benefit of his cosmetics.

  • And to finish, go to treat something that restless and a lot: the desinformación that runs like the gunpowder in the social networks, How would help to somebody to differentiate a good populariser of one bad and what can bequeath to generate a very seemed effect in the audience that does not know to distinguish if the information that is consuming is verídica?

It is a complex question, but think that at the end think that, if you look for information verídica, have to look for a reliable source of information that do not base in opinions or subjectivities, but it back the arguments that launches with scientific studies and that do not speak probably of an only study that has said something.

At the end, the base of the science is to allow doubt and share this information in base to a lot of studies that back the documentations in which it bases . A lot of scientific operations and at the end all what sounds new, or that they are affirmations as very sensationalistic, generally in my case, think that could put in entredicho. It would be necessary to study each case, but at the end the messages that are flatter, that probably do less virales, are used to to be more realistic and more precise that no a fashionable ingredient that overnight is spectacular, based in a an only study.

At the end the science advances very slow and here does not be necessary to expect miracles, but it is necessary to understand that it exists and be the best benefit of our cosmetics and enjoy, buying them and using them, that I really is is as more I enjoy that it is sharing and spreading on cosmetic.