Pujolasos presents a wooden jar recargable in Luxe Pack Monaco

08 of November of 2022
Pujolasos presents a refillable wooden jar at Luxe Pack Monaco

Pujolasos looks for to create solutions more creative and environmentally sustainable. And this time, launch to the market his new system P-Refill® , that was presented in scoop in the fair of Luxepack Monaco 2022.

P-Refill® Is the new versatile solution and sustainable, different to what had offered until the moment, as they indicate from the mark. A wooden container with an interior of plastic disposable and smart to be recycled. Besides, it is topped with his caps patented, Woodle® or Woon, according to the needs of the project. It manufactures only with wood certified PEFC® and FSC® . This guarantees the responsibility of the company of mark, so much in the supply of the prime matter, as in the design of the product.

With this, pretend to follow changing the packaging of the market beauty being pioneering in offering solutions of sustainable packaging that answer to the needs of the market. In definite, is a very versatile system that unifies all the packaging through the use of a material solo. It can adapt to any style and customer. Besides, always it can customise or combine.