Alan Jope, the CEO of Unilever. will be withdrawn by the end of 2023

The Board of Unilever initiates the research of a new CEO that will substitute to Alan Jope, after remaining in the place during 5 years

05 of October of 2022
CEO's Unilever Alan Jope

Alan Jope will remain like CEO of Unilever until finals of 2023. After 5 years like CEO, and form part of the company during 35 years, the company looks for changes in his current strategy, and the first modifications go through the election of a new Executive Director.

The decision has been communicated by the company from a press release that shared the own company in his web page. In this same document, Unilever indicated that they did not close the door to external candidates that assume this new role. The president of Unilever, Nils Andersen indicated that: "Unilever has improved his performance, thanks to his clear strategic options and to an important transformation of the company. The Board now will carry out a process of succession ordered and will support to Alan and to the team of management to promote even more the exert of Unilever."

On the other hand, Unilever, of the hand of Nils Andersen, appreciates to Alan Jope, his work during 5 years like CEO, and his extensive path inside the organisation: "Under his leadership, Unilever has faced up to strategic critical changes of structure and of organisation that have done that the company position with strength to the success. This continuous work, and want to appreciate warmly to Alan his leadership and contribution in our business."

"After exerting during 5 years like CEO, and to be more than 35 years in Unilever, think that is the suitable moment to look for of official way with the Board to my successor. The growth keeps on being our main priority, and in the time that remains me by in front will keep me totally centred in the disciplined execution of our strategy, and take advantage of all the profits of our new organisation", ensured Alan Jope in the press release.