It optimises the relation with your customer: put your marketing in automatic pilot

Director of Marketing in flowww
15 of September of 2022

The customers of the sector of the beauty and welfare are increasingly demanding and this change of behaviour has to to the boom of the on-line channels; today they have access to a endless number of information on tendencies in cosmetic products, treatments and the best appliance, look for the professionals and centres that offer the best results, compare prices of services, vouchers and packs, analyse opinions of other customers and the most important: they want to ask appointment and buy on-line. All this to a click.

All the information that wish to obtain, doing scroll in his favourite social network or a simple research in Google. Our public no longer encircles to make his services of beauty in the nearest venue or recommended by his friends. The customer knows that has the power to decide. And it does it constantly.

The good experience with the product/treatment or the good deal in a clinic, no longer are sufficient to guarantee his fidelity. At present our public expects a continuity in the satisfaction that experiences when it enjoys of the service, and is here where a good strategy of marketing has a fundamental paper. No only in the catchment of the customer, but also in the capacity to do that it was active, that go back always and that follow choosing you to you.

To attain do it, is indispensable to support in two fundamental pillars: the data and the automation. For us, humans, would be impossible to review daily what is occurs it in each appointment, analyse individually the behaviour or need of each customer, but the good news is that the technology can do it by us and this changes totally the form of the form to relate us with our customers.

Compile all the notable information of our customers and have the help of the workflows - a resource that allows to program and make of automatic form some tasks of marketing - is the big secret so that our actions adapt to the needs of our customers at all times. Without that we have to devote time to do it each day.

5 workflows key to make fall in love to your customers in automatic pilot


Welcome - The first experience of a customer is the most important, and achieve keep the good feeling that has had, is essential to ensure that it repeat.

What could do then to attain it? You can automate a message push of welcome, that send immediately after his visit. Give him a reason to go back to trust your product or service, offering him a discount for his following treatment or points to change, while you offer them the ease to ask a new appointment or buy on-line. With this, will achieve to conquer it and perhaps, win you his recurrence.

Follow-up - Know very well that the efficiency of a treatment or product is related with the cares that the customer carries out after the session. In this case, we recommend you that you take advantage of the opportunity to create a connection with your customer, accompanying it in all his process.

For this, automates the messages of follow-up so that they send of periodic form, giving him councils, tips and a guide of best practices to improve the results of the treatment that is making .

For example, the customers that buy a voucher of treatments of beauty, that includes cleaning of skin and three sessions of acid hyaluronic, could be the perfect addressees of this type of messages.

  • Message 1 - Tips of how keep the healthy skin and how prepare for the first session of acid hyaluronic.
  • Message 2 - essential Cares after the first session of acid hyaluronic.
  • Message 3 - Reminder of the following session in 15 days with button to ask on-line appointment.
  • Message 4 - Discount in the purchase of a ritual of beauty with a mix of products that allow to keep the results of the treatment, after his ending.

Important dates - Remember important dates like the month of birthday, day of his saint, anniversary of his first visit, further of the important and more common days like the Day of the Mother, Valentine's Day or Christmas, can be the perfect opportunity to wake up his impulse of purchase and to go back to your centre.

In this case, you can automate an email marketing focused in celebrating the most important dates for your customers. If you want to contribute value added, takes advantage of the occasion to offer them, for example, a subscription, voucher or pack with products and treatments designed especially for his needs and indicated to be consumed during a determinate period. It creates a feeling of urgency and win you his confidence.

Anticipation of his wishes - Know the types of customers that have, the products and services that more interest them and the details of his physical appearance that they want to improve is important, especially to achieve give continuity to his treatments with different options. Here, the record of services made and products bought plays a fundamental paper so that you can divide a determinate profile of customer and offer novelties and tendencies that surely wish to test.

For this, divides your database of customers by the families of services to which more are used to to resort. For example, customers that in the last 6 months have made treatments of reduction of measures. With this profile of customer in mind, can automate the sending of an email or message push, surprising him with a selection of your best (or new) products and treatments designed to accelerate his results. To your customer will love him the idea that you know exactly what wants.

Hiper-customization- The big tendency of the sector is in the customization; today more than ever we are conscious that each person is different and therefore, has some very particular needs. Increasingly the appliance, the treatments and the products of beauty deepen and resolve problems more specific. The customization also has to form part of your strategy of marketing. Therefore, it is so important to focus in the detail.

In flowww, for example, can divide your base of customers with more than 40 filters that reveal his behaviour and needs, so that you can, no only understand to strategic level the opportunities that have to include in your letter of services some novelties, but also, to do arrive a very concrete communication to a group of customers with characteristics very concrete. Feel only is what more sticks.

It is clear that the behaviour of our customers has changed and this carries us also to change the form in which we manage our business and use our marketing. All has to be integrated, on-line and specialised in our sector.

To accompany this tendency and be able to do magic, is essential to have a digital ecosystem, that no only help us to carry the day in day out, the diary, the turnover, the stock, the personnel, but, besides, deepen in what it is happening in the business, in the behaviour of our customers and that offer us able data to help us to take the best decisions.


