The arduous task of conquering to the consumer beauty in United Kingdom

The pureplayers obtain increasingly confidence by part of the consumer beauty and the big marks do not want to remain backwards

21 of November of 2022
The difficult scene in 'beauty' sector in United Kingdom

Recently, it announced that Sephora went back to operate in United Kingdom, more than two decades after his first entrance in the country. The 'Brexit' has affected to many sectors, but doesn't seem to have generated any type of gap or decelerating in the area of the cosmetic and of the luxury markets. In tthe cosmetics and beauty sector the entrance of new actors for the British country has been incessant and imparable.

According to the last report of Euromonitor, estimates that the sector 'beauty' will arrive to the $12.9 billion of sales this 2022 in Great Britain. Unlike United States, as it indicates an article that values the evolution of the sector of the beauty in United Kingdom, in the English territory the retailers have to do a greater effort of differentiation between the competition that the Americans because it treats of a market very crowded.

In how much to the niche more premium of the marks beauty, does reference that there is a big offer: from retailers skilled as 'Space NK', to the big warehouses of luxury like Selfridges, Liberty and Harvey Nichols, but to these it is necessary to add them the new agents that have gone in in scene recently, as for example, 'Look Fantastik' and 'Beauty Bay' that have known to consolidate with authority in the United Kingdom.

The proliferation of indie marks, the social half commerce and the direct-to-consumer has been another of the factors that has derived in the current situation, without leaving happen the closings caused by the pandemia of the Covid-19, that has moved to many retailers accelerate their strategies of e-commerce to be able to survive. In relation to this last, 'Business of Fashion' aims that "around 17% of the sales in the sector beauty, are on-line, compared with the on around the 30 to the 40 percent for adjacent categories like the fashion and the electronics of consumption". This wants to say, that the sector beauty still has a wide margin of growth in the on-line sales, by what the tendency will be that it go increasing annually.

Pureplayers, e-commerce and consumer

Another appearance to take into account about the e-commerce and the 'beauty', is what explains a report elaborated by Retail X, in the which finds an frank diagnose of the current situation and an estimate of the future. As it indicates in the report, the British consumer spends more than 200 dollars to the year in products of beauty and personal care through the e-commerce, and foresees that in the 2026 reach almost the 300 dollars. In the case of United Kingdom, 1 of each 3 consumers buys his cosmetics through the on-line trade, this wants to say that it finds above the average of the European Union, specifically, 28% more. Although the majority of the sales of beauty and cosmetics make in physical shops, also a lot of consumers affirm that they prefer to approach to the point of sale for like this test the product before buying it. Besides, in this same report, does special upsetting to the leadership purchased by the pureplays that have turned into main actors of the market. A case of success has been 'Revolution Beauty London' as protagonist of pureplays in United Kingdom: this type of companies has surprised to the cosmetic industry and of beauty by his speed of adaptation to the on-line surroundings and his capacity to arrive to the youngest consumers and fulfil with his requirements and adapt to his needs. In spite of this, does not be necessary to forget, that in the English country the chain 'Boots' is marks it leader in United Kingdom in how much to sales, and besides, as it shows the 'UK Beauty Report 2022' elaborated by RetailX in July of this same year, went the website leader in the sector of the beauty.

It is a reality that the consumer has evolved, no only in this sector, but in all. It awards, in a lot of occasions, more importance to the mark that to the product in himself. For him, it is important to feel identified with the mark to cultivate the loyalty to her and feel comfortable using his products, 42% of the consumers of UK affirm that the mark is a key appearance to the hour to make the process of purchase. By this reason have had so much success the indie marks, and giants like Sephora, have decided to purchase them to incorporate them to his portfolio.