Unilever opens new centre dedicated to Artificial Intelligence

This laboratory specialising in Artificial Intelligence is located in Canada, specifically in Toronto

22 of November of 2023
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The British multinational devoted to the manufacture of products and personal care steps more in the digitalisation of the company. Unilever Has announced recently the opening of AI Horizon Lab 3, a centre devoted to boost the use of the inteigencia artificial and step more in matter of innovation.

As it has announced the company in his press release, the laboratory will put the focus firstly in the strategic areas and of maximum impact for Unilever and expect that the IA Generativa help in marketing, analytical advanced and the automatic learning in the chains of supply and especially, help to increase the productivity and the efficiency of the company.

Unilever Has detailed in the document how will work this laboratory in which it will coexist a model of collaboration between academicians, start-ups and leaders of the industry.

As it has detailed the CDO of the company, Andy Hill, Unilever is doing efforts and significant investments to develop his areas of business on line with the Artificial Intelligence: "The launching of this new laboratory serves of signal like the global progress that will accompany us and that soon, the Artificial Intelligence, will give answer to the big questions. We are working with the Artificial Intelligence to resolve problems through the innovation."

From the company ensure that they already employ the artificial intelligence generativa in any of his processes and that it is really useful to the hour to accumulate relative information to the consumer and help also to interactuar of a more fluent and easy way with them.

Andy Hill has stood out also that it is a way to control those more difficult data to process and facilitate the visual representation of these.