The membrane of shell egg penetrates in the cosmetic industry through MKare and Pascual

This ingredient contains until 400 biomolecules like keratin or hyaluronic acid

03 of November of 2022
The membrane of eggshell inside the cosmetics sector

Pascual looks for to diversify his area of production and, by means of an alliance with Arandovo, has achieved to enter now in the cosmetic sector. It has done it thanks to the use of the membrane of the shell egg of MKARE, a functional ingredient used in the pharmaceutical sector, cosmetic, nutricosmetic, and food supplements in addition to the devoted to the care of the pets.

The membrane of the shell of egg is a natural source of glucosamine, collagen and hyaluronic acid among others hundreds of components, between them proteins like lysozyme, ovotransferrin... Some of the uses that have appointed previously, is that regarding the nutricosmetic, for example, contributes multiple profits for the sportsmen, to avoid the pain and the rigidity in articulations like the knee.

María Eugenia Sádaba general director of Arandovo explained to 'Next In Beauty' what is the process of obtaining the ingredients contained in the eggshell membrane, which only employs mechanical movements, pressurized air techniques, temperature fluctuations and rest: "we take the shells of the egg product plant of Aranda de Duero, that have it at the side. It is important to highlight that what generate of shell this same day, we collect it immediately, because you can not leave them stored, because the proteins, then, degrade , and like this ensure us that it is the coolest of the market. The prime matter obtain it by means of mechanical movements, temperatures, time and rests. With this process, we achieve to separate the external part of the intern and what remains adhered to the shell. It is a respectful process, and we don't incorporate any chemical type. With more detailsstep by step is of the following way: we receive eggshell, we incorporate them to a reactor in which we employ different technical of air to pressure, agitation and , later, withdraw the water, then we sanitize, dry, and finally, the last step is the grinding."

Sádaba highlighted that is important to know, that, during the process of extraction, doesn't incorporate any chemical compound. This answers to the needs of the customers that concern increasingly by a more respectful cosmetic and of natural origin: "For us it is key the of the natural cosmetic, also paying attention market trends, consider that what wanted to do, could attain without incorporating any chemical product."

As it indicated María Eugenia Sádaba , and on line with his company, fits perfectly in the sector of the nutricosmetics: "We will put it in a capsule, in a 'shot', soft gelatin capsules that is ingested for example before sleep. We have found that with an intake of 300mg, its effect is already noticeable. We will sell it like an only active, because we think that is what does him only is the synergy that exists between the biomolecules." The general director of Arandovo has wanted to highlight the significant contribution of this procedure in the cosmetic industry: "The added value is that it is an only ingredient. It treats of an only ingredient in which they find until 400 biomolecules like the keratin, the hyaluronic acid or collagen."

Regarding it application areas, Sádaba details us that it is effective in skin, nails and hair: "we focus in the anti-aging. It achieves to reduce the fatigue of the skin, improves the elasticity and the firmness and avoids the loss of moisturizing, boosting the maintenance of a firmer skin. The membrane nourishes the skin to levels very deep and of effective way. In capillary matter , the hair grows stronger and brilliant, and accelerates the growth of the nails", specified.

To finish, treats definitely of an evident case of 'upcycling' and of circular economy place that, really, what does with this process, is to take advantage of a residue that generates the alimentary industry: "The egg product plant is generating near of 1.200 one thousand of kilos of shell. When taking out him benefit to the membrane for the nutricosmetic, are doing to disappear a derivative product. Besides, regarding transport, the impact that generate is minimum, since so alone separates us a door" concludes María Eugenia Sádaba.