Packaging, innovation and trends at the center of the 'Beauty Sustainability Week 2022'

Last week the Beauty Cluster celebrated the BSW in collaboration with Biogründl and Provital with activities during 4 days

28 of November of 2022
Silvia Martínez from BASF during her presentation

The last week the Beauty Cluster organised with the collaboration of 'Provital' and 'Biogründl' a week where the focus was the sustainability in the sector beauty. In a loaded week of activities and days of the hand of big professionals of the sector treated important subjects for the industry like innovation and packaging.

The Tuesday 22 November, celebrated in the Palau Robert, in the Room Cotxeres the 'Beauty Sustainability Day'. The act initiated to the 9:30 of the morning and was presented by Adrià Martínez, Project Manager of the Beauty Cluster, and in him, firstly, presented the 'Guide of Circular Economy for the Sector Beauty'. It treats of the first informative document created specifically for companies of the sector of the beauty. It has been elaborated by the 'Beauty Cluster' with the collaboration of 'Inèdit' and the 'Catalan Agency of Residus'.

Along the day, professionals of the sector linked with the area of sustainability exposed his projects, like the case of Cristina Guillem, of AITEX, that explained the development and evolution of 'Agromatter', that takes advantage of the waste that generate the alimentary industry. Concha Bosch, of AINIA shared with the assistants to the day the preparation of packaging of cosmetic elaborated from organic waste and the industry agri-food. Júlia Gassol, Project Manager of 'Inèdit' exposed the importance of the ecodesign, the circularity and the sustainability.

During this week devoted to the sustainability has been able to know also what thinks the consumer about the sustainability of the hand of 'Mintel'. Elena Lunghi offered some brushstrokes on the future of the sustainability in the consumer and which needs presents. The next day, the Wednesday, Benjamin Punchard, Global Packaging Director of the company gave to know some data in 'The value of Sustainable Packaging'. Thanks to this, could know the change of the women consumers of beauty with regard to the packaging and his awareness with the environment. During his intervention did special upsetting in recognising that it is important to keep a clear communication between 'company-consumer' with the greater possible transparency, since the user does not trust a lot of occasions in the 'claims' employed by the industry in matter of sustainability.

During the 'Beauty Sustainability Day' of the Tuesday could see from different channels how applies the sustainability. From the pharmacy channel, thanks to Carlo Ferri of 'Acofarma', Óscar Rico, of 'Germaine of Capuccini' that showed to the public how was the transition of the company of professional channel. In the part of providers, Silvia Martínez, Marketing Manager Personnel Care Spain & Maghreb of BASF shared the point of view of the sustainability that accompanies to BASF from his foundation, an appearance that have totally integrated.

On the other hand, with 'Provital' thanks to David of The Saints, director of sustainability of the organisation, explained a different way to understand the sustainability from the personal slope with a "Contest of art: PROVI-ART. The art to take care" that they celebrate from does more than 8 years.

Along the week, obviously treated the subject of the regulation: the Tuesday, Daniel Rendón, Iberic Branch Manager of 'Ecomundo' explained the last novelties and modifications in regulatory in cosmetic and perfumery. Also it had his space in the round table celebrated the Wednesday, of 10:30 to 12:30 in which they participated Mariano Lesser, of 'Aktiva', Victoria Ferrer, of the 'Gremi of Recuperació', Òscar Marès of 'Aranow', Jéssica Bajón, of 'UnaVida Cosmetics' and Jordi Oliver of 'Inèdit'. All they gave his opinion on the current situation of the packaging and the challenges to which will confront in the future, in a virtual table moderated by Mercè of the Cluster of the Packaging of Catalonia. They shared his reflections and extracted conclusions in how much to the model of current business, the fault of communication between the different agents of the chain of value and the incongruences of regulatory.

The 'Beauty Sustainability Week' ended on Thursday with a Workshop of 4 hours in the HUB of the Beauty Cluster. The training consisted in learning to measure social and environmental results (S&MA) under the standard tool B-Corp.