Shiseido And Kyocera develop the dust of lovely opal

22 of July of 2022
Opalo de Kioto

Kyocera Corporation And the Japanese company of cosmetics, Shiseido, have communicated that jointly they have achieved to develop the dust of lovely opal. It will be commercialised by the brand of luxury Shiseido, this same month in the 'The Luminizing Face Enhancer'.

The "Opal of Kioto" is an artificial gem and this will be the first time that these artificial gems will use in a cosmetic solution. This material developed in 1990, by part of Kyocera (manufacturer of high technology) by means of the utilisation of an only technology of synthesis of gemstone lovely of the company that imitate to perfection the natural opal. Regarding the internal structure, is the same, identical, but this allows the processing in several forms when surpassing the fragility that finds of inherent way in the natural gems, as well as his characteristic fragility. Of this way, achieves avoid the division and the cracked of the gem, and thanks to this development, allows his treatment and his division of distinct ways.

Shiseido Has collaborated of active way in the R&D beside the company Kyocera, during 10 years, with the aim to achieve optimum results in the product. During this process, considered that the development of this new opal of Kioto was the most adapted to employ it in the cosmetic, since when powdering the dust and use it like fine particles, the company achieved to develop the dust of lovely opal, that offers a big variety of sparkles caused by the structural effect of the only colour of the opal.

As they have agreed the companies, will be Shiseido who will commercialise this product from this month of July, through his mark of high cosmetic Clé of Peau Beauté, that arrived to Spain to finals of 2020 after triumph in the Russian market and Japanese.