Gucci wants to promote tha circular luxury fashion

With the support of the group Kering, the house of Italian luxury has launched "to Circulate Hub"

22 of February of 2023

Through a press release, Kering has done official the launching of it first hub circulate of the luxury in Italy. Under the name "Circulate Hub", the company wants to accelerate the most sustainable transformation of the industry and the model of production of the Italian fashion. This transformation want to carry it out from the prime matters of design and arrive until the production and the logistical optimisation.

As it indicates the conglomerate of marks of luxury, beauty and fashion, "The Circulate Hub" wants to support the creation of products of luxury for the future, maximizing the use of materials recycled to increase his durability, repairability and reciclability. This new centre will put the focus in 4 main areas: investigation and development, logistical, value shared and partnership industrial.

This 'Circulate Hub' will situate in the Toscana and will begin to operate with the mark of Gucci and the products will elaborate in Italian prime matters. The final aim of the 'Circulate Hub' is to establish the circular economy in the sector of the fashion of luxury and contribute to minimise the environmental and social impact that translates in the Italian territory.

As they signal from the company, the hub is a done predecessor to the models of production that will establish during the next years in Europe with the regulatories changes. In addition to the support of Kering, will participate the providers of prime matters and the manufacturers of products finish of Gucci with headquarters in Italy (more than 4000 companies in total).

Marie-Claire Daveu, Chief Sustainability and Institional Affairs Officer at Kering has declared in the press release that "lto industry of the fashion needs to launch serious actions to accelerate the change, it is necessary rethinking the way in which we produce and as well as the use of the resources. I am very proud that this hub see the light in Italy, the home of some of the strongest groups of the industry." Antonella Centres, Executive Vice President General Counsel, Corporate Affairs & Sustainability in Gucci has signalled by his part that is an opportunity to do Italy more competitive and strong.

Circulate HUB