Vytrus receives the Gold Best Ingredient Award at in-cosmetics Latin America

The award recognised the innovation of the new ingredient of Vytrus, ELAYA RENOVA™

28 of September of 2022

The company specialized in active derived of plant stem cells on the cosmetic industry, Vytrus Biotech, received the past 22 September a new award: Gold Best Ingredient Award in recognition to the active natural ELAYA RENOVA™.

ELAYA RENOVA™ Is an ingredient 100% natural elaborated with cells mother of the olive tree. Between the profits stand out the capacity to protect, reinforce, regenerate and beautify  all the hair structure: his effect is able to visit from the scalp until the cut. It is enriched with a nutritious proteolipid matrix and reinforces so much the hair like the scalp from the interior. Of the hand of Vytrus, recognises like this a new form to protect and restructure the hair and the scalp at the same time, and offers the possibility of an ingredient and multi-activity to tackle all the neededs of the care of the hair in an alone prime matter.

The active was recognised in the in-Cosmetics Latin America 2022 like the most innovative in the ceremony that celebrated on 20 September in the Brazilian city of São Paulo. Vytrus Has inspired by the architectural concept of "Tensegridad", that comes from of "tensional" and "integrity". The "Tensegirdad explains how the changes applied to an area also will exert effects to distance because all is interconnected. This concept, Vytrus launches it to the structure of the hair and appeals to the importance of the scalp and the structure of the hair.

The launching of this active was communicated by part of the company in March of this same year. This year, the Vytrus already had received another prize by part of The Fundació Antigues Caixes Catalan and BBVA in which they recognised him his effort for attaining a favourable business proposal to the environment.