The latest news from the 'New Luxury Awards 2023'

The awards organized by the International Perfume Foundation has invited to participate in its fourth edition hotels, retailers and even museums

25 of January of 2023
New Luxury Awards 2023

The 'New Luxury Awards' has already enabled registration channels for attendees and participants to their awards, in this gala in which the 'Beauty Cluster' participates.

First, it wanted to highlight the relevance of the event and highlight the role of perfume and aromas, which are used as differential elements by brands and firms to create experiences and spaces dedicated to wellness. Olfactory marketing is one of the trends and new strategies that are applied lately, and for this reason, its turn into a new category of 'Public Spaces' and has also been added to this gala dedicated to perfume and packcaging.

"When you enter a perfume store, you decide to choose your fragrance but while entering a hotel or any fashion store, you have no choice other than breathing the fragrance." Has explained Creezy Courtoy, International Perfume Foundation Founder and Chair.

The International Perfume Foundation has also announced, as the rest of the years, what are the rules and requirements to apply for this event and opt for an award: create a perfume, packaging or perfumed space following the 'New Luxury Code'.

This 'New Luxury Code' is a 'Code of Respect by the Sustainability' and the start of a 'New Economy', as they explain it in the press release and contains some requirements as, the respect to the health, to the earth, to the air and to the water, to the environment among others factors.

The jury of this fourth edition is composed by signatures of perfume, marks of cosmetics, perfumers, graduated in schools of perfumery and other professionals of the sector, as well as entities linked to the perfumery, cosmetic and welfare.

In his web page, can find the rest of conditions and disposals to be candidate.