Nature consider the possibility of the sale of The Body Shop

Nature registered new losses and a decreasing of his sales in the second quarter of the 2022

23 of August of 2022
El grupo Aesop registra pérdidas y decrecimiento en sus ventas

After the results of April, May and June, Nature recognised to have returned to a situation of stray and a reduction of his sales in 8,6%. The company went back to numbers in red and Fabio Barbosa, current adviser delegated of the group and visible face of the company from the past month of June, is conscious of the complex situation that experience the economy to global level: "The results of the second quarter reflect the surroundings complicated in which we are operating, marked by the high inflation, the pressure to the consumption, the disruptions in the chain of value the uncertainty macroeconomic and political."

The news of the losses of Nature knew does so only a week, but the CEO of the Brazilian group defuse the subject affirming that the results would improve in the second semester of the year, as they marked the prediciones established by the group. Besides, Barbosa, in his arrival, commissioned to do a small restructuring of the hierarchies and of the organisation: he deleted the places of director of sustainable development and director of the transformation under the permise to reduce costs.

In addition to Nature, The Body Shop and Avon (marks that belong to the group Aesop) also saw like his number of sales decrease in this period. In Avon, fell until 11,4% (316,4 million euros) and in The Body Shop the fall surpassed in 4 tenth to the one of Avon, losing 175,1 million euros.

The sale of The Body Shop, in the air

However, although Fabio Barbosa expects that in this second half of year the results improve and the decreasing of the sales do not generate the impact that has reflected in these last 3 months, some means as 'Global Cosmetics News' affirms that it is in process to "review the options of the group". Thus, the executive doesn't dismiss the possibility to put on sale to the group to a private bottom, as it advances the portal of news.

Fabio Barbosa assumed the responsibility after the cessation of Roberto Mark, the one who was CEO of the company until starts of June and his course was part of a strategy of reorganisation of the company. At present, you Mark follow forming part of the managerial board, although has foreseen to leave of official way the company to finals of 2022.

